I Created The Liberation BOOT CAMP, & The Methodology Within, & Spent Years Testing Its Effectiveness To Prove To Men It's Possible To Find Freedom From Porn...




As Long As You're Willing To Show Up & Put In The Work!...

(By Following This Documented Approach, I Defeated My 20+ Year Compulsive Relationship With Porn & Have Guided Many Others To Do The Same.)

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Listen Brother,

I have ZERO INTEREST in misleading you.

There's no hype NOR ridiculous claims on this page. 

My name is Matt Sinkovitz. 

I founded Porn To Purpose to share my journey & experience with other men on their path to freedom.

Since overcoming my own 20+ year compulsive relationship with porn, I've felt it my mission to help other men do the same. 

If you've come here looking for some magic pill or a hack or a short-cut, then I have nothing for you!

What I'm offering you is the chance to join our Community of Committed Men (and the opportunity to change your life)...

I'm offering access to:

  • Weekly live group hangouts with myself and other community experts
  • A private forum for shares, coaching, and support
  • Private Accountability Chat (for when the urges seem too strong to overcome)
  • The Freedom Framework:  The time-tested system our members are using to create and sustain the Liberation LIfestyle
  • The 4RAC Formula:  Our proven process for overcoming the urge to use porn
  • The Noble Code: Take control back by implementing the ‘P2P’ philosophy for Personal Power & Personal Responsibility
  • 1-on-1 support calls with a trained coach from our team

Because I want you to be LIBERATED from this!

And move from porn...to PURPOSE!

 If you're like the other men in this group, you have tried the technology barriers (and can work around all of them), you have tried 'white-knuckling' it with willpower, you have tried an accountability partner...And still haven't found true freedom.

And honestly, it's not really your fault. It's because the tools and systems we have been given just didn't work.

But you're still in the fight. You are here, and looking for real change.

You may be thinking, "man...this is exactly what I've been searching for, how do I move forward?"

Or maybe you won't. 

I don't know. 

Either way, it's up to you. 

At the end of the day, I'm here to make the process simpler, faster, & much easier, for the person who wants help. And for those who don't, that's ok too.

After all, I've already overcome my own 20+ year compulsive relationship with porn...

For most men, if there was a magic pill they could take to kick the habit for good... 

They Would Jump On It In A Heartbeat!



There is no magic pill.

No silver bullet.

And most men have lost hope because they've tried and failed so many times.

And because their hope is gone...  

These men choose to "stay trapped" in the cycle of misery, thinking "there's nothing I can do", because they feel as if they have no other choice. 

I say that's a bunch of garbage. 

You DO have a choice. 

We ALL have a choice! 

It's just that a lot of men ARE TERRIFIED and refuse to make that choice. 

Because NOTHING has worked so far, just another failed attempt...they've lost that hope.

But that refusal to make a choice is still a choice. It's a choice to quit fighting, quit striving, quit reaching for freedom.

A choice to avoid the pain of change.

See, men are trapped because they choose to be trapped.

I wish that weren't the case, I really do. Because if it were up to me, no man on the face of this earth would suffer this horrible affliction. 

I get it...change is hard and can be scary.

But I can only help the ones who truly want to change.

Know this:

If you dislike your situation, YOU have the power to change it. 




Of course, if porn isn't affecting your life, marriage, or business... or the example you set for your children, then obviously I'm not talking to you.

I'm talking to the guys who say... 

"I desperately need help and guidance. I'm tired of this vile addiction consuming my life!"


"I feel lost. Like porn has defeated me and I'm not happy with who I have become."


"I want to be a good example of what a model husband and father should be. I want to turn my life around and work on becoming the man I know I am meant to be..."


These are the men I'm talking to.

As an Extreme-Ownership type of person, don't be afraid to remind yourself of THAT - the power to choose!

Dave, for example, is a guy who CHOSE!

Porn had consumed every fiber of his being. To the point where he couldn't wait until he was alone to watch it. He'd even pass up family time and hanging out with friends because of it.

Someday, he kept telling himself, "I want to achieve freedom from porn," but he felt 'stuck' in the trap — The Cycle of Misery & Shame. 

Then, though, he MADE A NEW DECISION...

He chose to go "ALL IN." 

And now he says, "I don't feel like I'm in bondage anymore!"

 Dave, btw, isn't alone in his success...

Here are a few more messages from other guys in the Community:

Ready to Apply?

Imagine What Your Life Will Look Like When You Hit Milestones Like Those!


How would that affect your confidence?

The way you carry yourself?

The man you show up as for your wife, kids & family?


I get that you may feel trapped in this nasty habit.


You're not trapped. 

You're just scared and don’t know what to do. 

And there's nothing wrong with being scared. Each one of the men above was scared, and didn’t know what to do either!

But right now, you have a choice to make:

Option 1 - Let that fear, confusion & lack of hope continue to sabotage your potential, where you underachieve, but inside, you know you could build an amazing life for you & your family.


Option 2 - You tell that fear & confusion to get lost, and go "ALL IN" to become the man you've always envisioned yourself to be.

but, this decision isn't about me.

 It's NOT about what I want. 

 This is about YOU. 

 ...and about what you want.

 I've already made my decision & choice. 

 Now, it's your turn.

 And, somewhere inside, if you can find that courage... 

 I'll provide you with the step-by-step Documented Approach, a strong Community to support you, plus the Accountability Chat and Weekly Live Calls to guarantee you can't fail.

Here's What's Included:

All You Have To Do Is Take The First Step & You'll Get 

Full Community Access!

  • Weekly live group hangouts with myself and other community experts
  • A private forum for shares, coaching, and support
  • Private Accountability Chat (for when the urges seem too strong to overcome)
  • The Freedom Framework:  The time-tested system our members are using to create and sustain the Liberation LIfestyle
  • The 4RAC Formula:  Our proven process for overcoming the urge to use porn
  • The Noble Code: Take control back by implementing the ‘P2P’ philosophy for Personal Power & Personal Responsibility
  • And 1-on-1 support calls with a trained coach from our team

 If you're hesitating right now, I want you to go look in the mirror... 

Who do you see?

Not WHAT do you see, WHO do you see?

Looking at that person in the mirror, staring back at you... 

Is that a Man doing everything he can to reach his full potential?

Someone who decides & commits, and goes "ALL IN?"... 

Or someone who always has an excuse?

This is the REAL enemy all of us must learn to defeat. It's not external. It's internal. 

Most of us don't want to admit this - none of us do! - but the only person holding you back is YOU. 

THE LIBERATION BOOT CAMP can give you the tools.

We can give you access to the Live Calls, the Accountability Chat, all the resources.

We can give you the Community.

We can give you the step-by-step training. 

We can give you the Path. 

The roadmap. 

But what we can't give you is the courage to make the decision, to push yourself into doing what you know to be right. That initial decision, that push? Must come from you, from deep inside.  

Right now, you're living in the Cycle of Misery. 


It's tolerable, but no way to live the rest of your life.

So, if you're sitting there, reading this and thinking, "Man, I just want to make this all stop..."

... and you're ready to take a STAND!

Let's get you inside.

All you have to do is take the first step...

Ready to Apply?

The Choice Is Yours


Matt founded the P2P Community in 2019 after years of struggling with pornography addiction. Drawing on his background in personal development, mindfulness counseling, and interfaith chaplaincy, he supports men on their recovery journeys. Through coaching, therapy, and 12-step work, Matt continues his own day-to-day healing while sharing his presence and care with the community.


Husband, father, and recovering addict, Yeadon once lost hope for freedom from pornography after decades of struggle. Joining P2P to help his children, he discovered a supportive, shame-free community and tools for lasting change. Having faced the darkness and despair, he reminds you: you are not alone, and freedom is possible.

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